Theme Of The Seminar

The theme of the seminar will be "Innovative Approaches to Information Systems Research".

The seminar will focus on research approaches in Information Systems, with a specific focus on the latest research discourses and the contributions to making a real difference to the future of humanity. Participants will facilitate our endeavour of getting to grips with recent debates and discourses around the invited speakers’ expertise of a particular research approach.

Aim Of Seminar

The purpose of the seminar is to stimulate debate on IS research and theory, and to create and strengthen networks between Southern Africans and international scholars.

Preliminary Programme

We have two international keynote speakers to introduce the theme. This will be followed by a workshop and panel discussion. Local academics will also read non-peer reviewed short papers at the seminar.

Keynote Speakers

Prof Micheal Myers (University of Auckland, New Zealand) is a well-known thinker on the topic of qualitative research in IS. He has served in various editorial positions and won numerous best paper awards.

His international expertise is in line with the theme of the seminar and he will thus bring a growth opportunity for every attendee. Dr Leif Scheuermann (University of Graz, Austria) will present on the topic of "Genuine digital Hermeneutics in IS".

This promises to be an important contribution to the development of philosophical perspectives on the use of research methods in Information Systems Research.

Seminar Cost

Seminar Fee: R1500
Student Fee: R800

Speaker Biographies

Prof. Michael D. Myers is Professor of Information Systems and Head of the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management at the University of Auckland Business School. He won the Best Paper award (with Heinz Klein) for the most outstanding paper published in MIS Quarterly in 1999. This paper has been cited over 4000 times.

He also won the Best Paper Award (with Lynda Harvey) for the best paper published in Information Technology & People in 1997 and the Emerald Literati Network Outstanding Paper Award 2012 (with Michelle Soakell) for the most outstanding paper published in VINE in 2011.

He previously served as Senior Editor of MIS Quarterly from 2001-2005, as Senior Editor of Information Systems Research from 2008-2010, and as Associate Editor of Information Systems Journal from 1995-2000.

He also served as President of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) in 2006-2007 and as Chair of the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 8.2 from 2006-2008. Michael is a Fellow of the Association for Information Systems.

Dr Leif Scheuermann is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Ancient Studies at Karl-Franzens University Graz. Leif Scheuermann works in the fields of ancient Historical Geography, Religious Studies and Digital History.

After his studies in History and Philosophy at the Universität Stuttgart, he worked as a research assistant at the Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme, Universität Stuttgart and at the Historisches Seminar, Universität Hamburg. In 2009 he became member of the research group “Religious Individualization in Historical Perspective” and the graduate school “Religion in Modernization Processes” at the Max-Weber-Kolleg, Universität Erfurt where he wrote his Ph D thesis on “Religion at the Frontier. Roman Provincial Religion at the Neckar- and Exterior Limes”.

After his postdoctoral scholarship at the graduate school “Religion in Modernization Processes” at the Universität Erfurt and as coordinator at the “Interdisciplinary Center of E-humanities in history and social Sciences” (ICE) at the Max Weber-Kolleg, he became Assistant Professor at the Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumswissenschaften, Universität Graz. His habilitation deals with the individual and communal perception of space in the city of Rome in the Late Republic AD.

Based on latest approaches on historical space, the textual mediated as well as the individual and group specific spaces will be analysed using computer based geoinformation systems. Space as an assumed container in which history takes place will be replaced by a multiplicity of parallel existing spatial-histories, whose network is one major basis of the behaviour of historical actors.


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